Summer 2021 at Jeff and Tamara’s House, Traverse City, Michigan
Continued from Trip report Week 4 of 4: here

During a week in June 2021 and in the sweltering heat, Derek carefully took out all the interior walls and ceiling in order to insulate the inside of the trailer. He measured and cut each individual panel while our friend Humberto (who was visiting) helped pull heavy-duty staples out of the trim so we could use the trim again. Thanks, Humberto! Also a really big thanks to Jeff and Tamara for letting us use your extra parking pad and garage for storage during our stay!
Here’s a little side story – On our daily trips to Home Depot and Lowe’s, we ran into a man that saw our stack of wood and insulation. Keep in mind this guy was a total stranger. He abruptly stopped, looked at us, and exclaimed, “Wow, did you guys just win the lottery?” He said that because in the middle of the pandemic the price of lumber and other build supplies rocketed up in price. He saw our stack of supplies and questioned us about what project we were working on. In talking to him we found out that he built yurts.
Derek also rebuilt his bed so you can lift up one end of the top and we have hidden storage. Lots of storage. He even built a handle and a hook so when you open it and you need two hands to get something, you just hook the rope attached to the handle to the heavy-duty hook and it will hold. Pretty cool!